Hovermenü - EN

    Management Plan

    Planning tool for the future of the World Heritage site

    Management Plan

    In accordance with the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention each World Heritage site needs to have a Management Plan, a planning tool for the protection, use, maintenance, and sustainable development of the World Heritage site.

    In 2019, the City of Bamberg adopted a new Management Plan for its World Heritage. It contains the main guidelines, instruments and organizational structures that are relevant for the conservation of the site and its Outstanding Universal Value. It sets out the associated tasks and the framework for the sustainable development of the World Heritage site.

    Based on a broad participatory process and guided by a mission statement, short-, medium- and long-term measures and recommendations were developed in five thematic areas:
    • Architectural Heritage and Urban Development
    • Education and Research
    • Urban Gardening
    • World Heritage and Tourism
    • World Heritage and Economy
    A separate chapter is dedicated to ongoing projects towards the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Finally, a visual space analysis complements the document.

    The Management Plan of the World Heritage site "Town of Bamberg“ can be downloaded here.